Sunday, April 8, 2012


The Sage of the sage- less times.
Many a years ago, some analyst wrote about Nelson Mandela ‘’he is the hero of the hero less era’’, a mourner on Diana’s death expressed that she was the fairy tale character of this fairy less age. After finishing any of Paulo Coelho’s work, I always feel like giving him the title of’’ the sage of the sage less times’’.
In spite of having a great respect and appreciation, present day man cannot relate his life to Khalil Gibran and not to Ghazali, Saddi and Confucius, their intellect sounds to be unachievably elevated and remote, probably Iqbal and Milton also seem to belong to the time we have learned about, but not experienced, and man always need someone to fill intellectual /spiritual black hole of his personality ,to which he falls quite so often while living in this world. And COHELO physically belongs to our world.
Our world-- full of noisy, soul less words. People tweet live, but the most identified rationalization given for suicide victim is loneliness. Our world -- that console itself with the mistakes of others
.Paulo Coelho does not impress me and millions others merely because he authors, The Alchemist, (the record making bestseller that has been translated into more than 70 languages, won Guinness world record for most translated book by a living author. )
He has got other reasons to occupy the high pedestal of being the spiritual/intellectual guide of many,We find his words in complete harmony to the songs/pangs of our soul. His wounds are no different from the soreness present on the body of modern man and best of all he does not feign power before the crippled.
You can shed tears while reading his biography and feel yourself a part of his journey
I have read almost all of his books, and I admit that after going through the first four (or to the maximum Five) one feel the replication of the same thought that was very forcefully conveyed in his early works, but in spite of this limitation, numerous lines from his books are really fitting to be the Quotable Quotes. They are an attention-grabbing read and highly thought provoking.
There are many e-sites which give access to the best lines from his work, I wonder who selects them, because I found much better lines remain unquoted.
I have conserved some remarkable words from his books, and the lines the sage has himself selected from holy books and old classical literature in my personal diary. These words provide consolation and guidance in some restless moments.The following lines are meant for those who believe in the healing power of the words
. In his work, The zahir, he quotes
“What man of you , having a hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and the nine in the wilderness and go after that which is lost, until he find it” (luke15;4)
· The energy of hatred wont get you anywhere ;but the energy of forgiveness , which reveals itself through love will transform your life in a positive way
· Love is the only thing that never fails.
· Suffering and tragedy; they happen because they are part of life and should not be seen as a punishment. Generally speaking, the universe tells us when we are wrong by taking away that is most important to us.
· Ever since the dark ages, man has understood that suffering, if confronted without fear, is his passport to freedom.
· Show some respect for your time on this earth
· Life always waits for some crisis to occur before revealing itself at its most brilliant.
· Divinity is everywhere all the time. You cannot take the divinity out of nature and put it in a book or between four walls.
· The invisible world always manifests itself in the visible world
· The world IS A DANGEROUS PLACE TO LIVE, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who do not do anything about it
· God does not play dice with the universe; everything is interconnected and have a meaning. That meaning may remain hidden nearly all the time, but we always know we are close to our true mission on earth when what we are doing is touched with the energy of enthusiasm
What's the world's greatest lie?... It's this: that at a certain point in our lives, we lost what's happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate.”
I believe that the sage’s words can heal some soars of the present day man.